7 research outputs found

    towards the enhancement of minor archaeologicalheritage

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    The research is an analysis of the recording, reconstruction and visualisation of the 3D data of a XVIII century watermill, identified in an emergency archaeological excavation during the construction of the mini-hydroelectric plant on the bank of the Adda river in the municipality of Pizzighettone (Cremona, Lombardy, Italy). The work examines the use and the potentials of modern digital 3D modelling techniques applied to archaeological heritage aimed to increase the research, maintenance and presentation with interactive products. The use of three-dimensional models managed through AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) technologies with mobile devices gives several opportunities in the field of study and communication. It also improves on-site exploration of the landscape, enhancing the "minor" archaeological sites, daily subjected to numerous emergency works and facilitating the understanding of heritage sites


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    The work is an analysis of the recording, processing and presentation of the 3D data of two late roman towers inside the area of the Archaeological Museum of Milan, part of the city previously occupied by the Monastery of St. Maurizio and rich of historical and ancient monuments. The aim of this research is to examine the possibilities offered by digital technologies to record and enhance the archaeological heritage and to increase the divulgence and presentation with interactive products

    Why did the slope at Cavargna Valley Sackung (N Italy) start moving? Preliminary results on causative/triggering mechanisms

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    Triggering mechanisms and causative processes of Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DSGSD) in alpine areas can trigger by several processes such as post-glacial debuttressing, earthquake-induced ground shaking or co-seismic surface faulting. Distinguishing between climatic and tectonically-driven factors for such slope deformations is challenging, since faults and fracture systems can play both an active and/or passive role in the initiation of slope processes. Nevertheless this issue has major implications both in the reconstruction of the recent evolution of the landscape and in paleoseismological studies. Here we present a study on a Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DSGSD) located in the Cavargna Valley, N Italy. The deformed slope presents a moderate relief with an elevation drop of ca. 650 meters (from 1750 to 1100 m a.s.l.), is characterized by a typical concave-convex profile and shows morpho-features commonly caused by deep-seated slope movements (e.g., Agliardi et al. 2001; Gutierrez-Santolalla et al. 2005). The DSGSD area and its surrounding was not under extensive glaciations conditions. In fact: (i) The main ice cap which covered the alpine valley during Pleistocene reached an elevation of ca. 950 m during Latl Glacial Maximum, (ii) glacial and periglacial erosional features suggest that only small cirque glaciers locally occupied higher elevations, above 1700 m a.s.l. (e.g., Bini et al. 2009). The study area experienced a considerable regional deformation due to post glacial rebound: an uplift of ca. 90 m, reached mainly between 21 kyr and 13 kyr BP (e.g., Norton & Hampel 2010). The rate of the uplift due to post-glacial isostasy decreases with time and can be considered negligible. The integrated approach of this study, including morpho-structural analysis, geologic field survey, ERT geophysical survey, a paleoseismological approach applied to the deformed slope, 14C dating and a detailed pedosedimentary analysis on trench infilling enable us to date the onset of the DSGSD to the ca. 2700 BP. We then consider different possible causative/triggering mechanisms, taking into account alternative scenarios consistent with the timing and characteristics of the described slope deformation

    Lo studio dei popolamenti del passato nelle aree montane in Val Cavargna (Provincia di Como, Alpi Lepontine)

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    Gli studi delle aree montane e della storia dei popolamenti sono spesso trascurati. La montagna si trova in una situazione di svantaggio, in quanto è un ambiente che può rendersi difficile da esplorare e si trova ad essere attualmente di interesse marginale. Lo spopolamento della montagna sta causando problemi ambientali: sono andati sempre più diminuendo interventi a difesa del territorio, necessari per mitigare i rischi di dissesto idrogeologico, incendi incontrollati, erosione del suolo. Si rende quindi necessario comprendere la storia dei popolamenti in alta quota durante i millenni ed esaminare le conseguenze sull’ambiente delle attività legate allo sfruttamento delle risorse, per affrontare le criticità del rapporto uomo-ambiente e per cogliere le potenzialità dell’ambito montano. Alcune escursioni di Lanfredo Castelletti sulle montagne della Val Cavargna, durante le quali sono stati riconosciuti livelli di materiale carbonioso con spessori anche fino a quasi il metro (1994 e 1997), sono state l’inizio di una lunga ricerca sistematica, in cui Lanfredo è stato costantemente attivo, iniziata nel 2002 e proseguita per un decennio


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    Articolo a più mani su vari argomenti archeologici ed ambientali della Val Cavargna presso Com